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Top 5 Blogging Courses for Intermediate and Advanced Bloggers

As you’ve probably heard me mention a million times, I believe that diversity of income streams (and traffic) is critical to success and to ensuring longevity in this business.   It’s very similar to the stock market. As you diversify, you both grow and reduce risk (or stabilize).   After you have you foundation set, you want to take it to the next level. These are the courses that can be game changers for you and accelerate you growth.   Here are 5 of my favorites, and I think you’ll see why. best blogging courses for intermediatesPlease note that this article contains affiliate links which means I may earn a commission if you decide to buy them. You can read my full disclosure at the bottom of the page.   1.  Product Perfection by Tracie Fobes.  One of the best ways to really grow your income is to develop products, and one of the easiest ways to launch into this segment is to launch some printables.   And, once you do the first printable, the rest become easier. In this course, Tracie walks you through how to come up with printable ideas, how to design them (using different and free programs), and how to market and sell them.   I’m astounded by how much money many people, including every day bloggers, are making from printables.  You can use these for opt-ins and products you sell  You can check out the course here: Product Perfection and use my exclusive discount code DEBBIE15 for 15% off. free seo course 2.  Six Figure Blogger by Alex and Lauren.  This is my new favorite course and I wish I had taken it 2 years before.  I learned so much!  If you’re not a 6 figure blogger, this will help you get there. And, if you’re already a 6 figure blogger, this will rapidly accelerate your growth!   The main focus of this course is how to create a product and successfully launch it (could be course, ebook, templates, etc.)  But, this course is also super amazing at affiliate marketing and it just blew my mind on both.   They have a killer email funnel (the trust funnel) that helps improve conversion to your product….and it works in the background!  Totally amazing and this itself is worth the price of the course.   And,you can use a parallel funnel for an affiliate product, too…and I can’t wait to start implementing these.   And, they have a whole section of lessons for sales pages…also worth the price of the course.   I’m retaking sections now and implementing it step by step.  As I said, this has blown my mind and opened my eyes to so many possibilities.  I had no idea what I was missing.   They easily could have charged double, and it would still be an amazing value.  You can check it out here:  Six Figure Blogger   3. Stupid Simple SEO by Mike Pearson.  As you know, I love SEO.  It enables you to scale your business…so that you can make a much higher income!   I truly believe in learning SEO from multiple people (it’s how I learned), and Mike does an excellent job of explaining things in plain English.   I feel that my ebooks and his course are complements to each other. It would be easy for me to treat him as my competition, but that’s not how I look at it. I want my students to succeed, and I know he can help you, too.   In his course, you will learn tons about key words and key word finders, and how to use them properly.   He will explain how to focus in on user intent. This is the key to earning affiliate income, and, so many miss this.   It will help you focus and prioritize your articles so you have much more success…and get it sooner.   He’ll show you how to optimize your site structure for maximum SEO.  And, he’ll teach you about a dozen other things.   Not only that, but he has a very active Facebook group where he responds to all sort of SEO sections, so you will be well supported in your journey.   I highly recommend Stupid Simple SEO (and love the name).   Mike has just developed a FREE webinar.   You do not have to take it. But, I recommend you do…because if you do, you will get some free bonuses.  You can sign up here.   4.  Pin Practical Ads by Monica Froese.  This is actually FREE, so it’s a no brainer to take it!  Please recognize that promoted pins for traffic makes no sense.  Many try this and mistakenly think that promoted pins are pointless, and that couldn’t be further from the truth.   The truth is that Promoted Pins can be used to scale profit streams that are already working (e.g. getting email subscribers, selling a successful product…or even better, scaling a successful funnel that converts to a product.  I have been using this for my business (along with FB ads) to scale up. And, the cool thing is that once the ROI works, you just scale it up and it doesn’t take on-going work. So get started with Pin Practical Ads.   Later, when you’re ready, you can explore her flagship courses (which are amazing) such as Pin Practical Conversions and Pin Practical Masterclass.   Monica is so strategic and smart.  She’s opened my eyes and helped me think about my business differently.   5.   The Complete Blogger’s Template Toolkit by Kara Fidd.  I totally stumbled on a goldmine here. These templates are AWESOME and have made my life soooo much easier for Printables and Pins.  These all work on Canva, so they are perfect for me.   Yes, the help with Printables was amazing. I was frozen before this, and then once I found these, I popped out a whole set of printables in a couple of hours!   From there, I made a 50 page printable bundle that I’m now selling and some mini bundles.   And, I made some pins that did really well.  In fact, I have now been promoting 2 of them for $30 a day.   These templates are amazing.  Yes, Canva templates for printables (many types). You can change the words, the colors, fonts as you wish.  

  • Not only that, you will find templates for: ·     Logo templates ·     About Me Page templates ·     Newsletter templates ·     Lead Magnet templates ·     Gift Guide templates ·     FB header/insta/twitter/LinkedIn headers ·     Insta post templates ·     YouTube templates ·     Media Kit templates ·     Ebook templates ·     Daily Planner templates ·     Cut out card templates ·     …And, of course, Pinterest templates (37 of them!)

I mean holy cow. I was astounded by all of this. I mean I can create tons of things with this…for years. In fact, it’s inspiring me to come up with all sorts of ideas.   Oh, and you know what else? She has some awesome videos in there with super helpful Canva tips and tricks.   It’s called The Complete Blogger Template Toolkit   Use coupon code DEBBIE10 for 10% off.   I hope you find these suggestions helpful, and I hope they take your blog to the next level.   ————————————————–

My Blogging Courses and E-Books


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