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What Is A Pingback? And Should You Accept Them?

Are you confused about Pingbacks? here are some answers.

Recently, this question came up in a Facebook group. And, it’s a good question and something we should all understand.   Pingbacks are notifications that another website linked back to you. Usually, this is a good thing!   We all know that backlinks are helpful, so when you get one, it’s usually good news. Read on to see how you should handle them.   What are pingbacks? Do they help you or hurt you   First, you don’t want to accept/approve Pingbacks. If you do, you are basically linking back to the article which pretty much cancels out the backlink you just received. Instead, just delete it…but after the next step.   Second, check out the article that is linking to you. Hopefully, it’s a decent article, and then if so, see if there’s a place to leave a thoughtful comment and thank them.   However, occasionally, you will unfortunately find that someone copied your article.   Of course this is infuriating, but at least the Pingback notified you, and you can now take action if you want (e.g. ask them to remove it, ask them to change it just link to you (I have allowed a few nice people to use my first paragraph or two and backlink to me…yay it’s another backlink) or you can file a DCMA take down notice. (For more info on how to file a DCMA, please check out this blog post from my friend, Tracie)   So usually Pingbacks are good to receive. Just don’t approve them on your site. BTW, they also don’t look very nice in the comment section and confuse readers. So just delete them.

What if you’ve already accepted pingbacks?  How can you get rid of them?

What if you already accepted Pingbacks (and a whole bunch of them)? Not to worry, it’s easy to find them and delete them later.   Go to your comments. At the top, in the 2nd row, you’ll see a box that says “All Comment Types.” (It’s to the right of bulk actions and apply. Change this box to “Pings.” Then hit “Apply.” You can then see all of your pingbacks (you can either look at the past ones you approved or the pending ones). This is a quick way to clear out the crap.   Of course, if you want to take your backlinks to the next level, check out my ebook Easy Backlinks for SEO. And, if you’ve already read it, go back and implement the next method on your list.   I hope this info is helpful.   What Is A Pingback? And, Should You Accept Them?

Blogging resources to jump start your blog traffic and income

  • Amazon – I love affiliate marketing on Amazon. For the last 2 months, I’ve been earning over $7,000/month just from Amazon. Here are 2 super helpful Amazon ebooks that allowed me to leap frog my previous results.
    • Cracking the Code on Amazon – This is for beginners and really covers the types of articles you should be writing to drive Amazon commissions It’s for beginners.
    • Niche Post Conversion Strategies – Seriously, I think this is the best ebook/course I’ve ever taken. I can not recommend this enough. You will not find these tips anywhere else. It skyrocketed my sales on Amazon.
  • PINTERESTING STRATEGIES: – Pinterest is one of the easiest and most effective ways to drive massive traffic to your blog, especially if you are just starting out. I generally get 200,000 to 300,000 pageviews a month from Pinterest. If you want a jump start on how to use this amazing platform, check out Carly’s course. It is simply awesome. She is so down to earth and straightforward, and you’ll see that in her writing. I LOVE this course (it was formerly an ebook, but now it’s new and improved).  Use PINNING5 for $5 off.
  • SEO – As you know, I’m hugely into SEO and it has been the key to my success. I generally get 300,000+ SEO pageviews per month, and this traffic converts much better than Pinterest and other social media channels (especially when it comes to affiliate marketing, products and email sign ups. I estimate that every pageview from organic traffic is worth at least 3x as every pageview from Pinterest! Yes, 3 times as much! And, it’s much steadier, more sustainable and more passive. Check out my 2 SEO books.
  • Affiliate marketing – I love affiliate marketing and have been earning $12,000/month just from affiliate marketing. I highly recommend Carly’s affiliate marketing course. It’s amazing and half the price of some of the bigger bloggers’ programs…and I think it’s much better, too. Use my exclusive coupon code (flooringgirl25) for a 25% discount.
  • Email marketing – Learn from the master, Jennifer Maker. She has over 100,000 subscribers in around 2 years. She’s an incredible teacher. Her ListLove course is amazing. Or get started with her FREE email course here.  (If you use my exclusive affiliate link above, you’ll get 25% off).
  • Sponsored PostsSponsored posts can be a great way to supplement your income, especially during the first few years.  Many just don’t even know where to get started or how much to charge or how to create a media kit or where to find the best sources.  Well learn from a master, Tracie Fobes. She’s been doing this for 10 years!  And, she charges well over $2,500 + per post.  Her course comes complete with a media calculator and templates to set you up for success.  Check out Sponsored Success here.  She has a ponsored post calculator in there as well.
  • Getting started/setting up your blog – If you’re a very beginner and need help in just setting up your site and getting everything set up, check out Tracie Richmond Fobes’ FREE intro course. She goes over all that critical stuff at the beginning that no one seems to cover, but everyone needs to know such as site structure, how to set up google analytics correctly and google search console, which plugins to use (and which to avoid). She is a wealth of information. (and she has may other courses that are soooo good).

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Blogging resources to jump start your blog traffic and income

  • Amazon – I love affiliate marketing on Amazon. For the last 2 months, I’ve been earning over $7,000/month just from Amazon. Here are 2 super helpful Amazon ebooks that allowed me to leap frog my previous results.
    • Cracking the Code on Amazon – This is for beginners and really covers the types of articles you should be writing to drive Amazon commissions It’s for beginners.
    • Niche Post Conversion Strategies – Seriously, I think this is the best ebook/course I’ve ever taken. I can not recommend this enough. You will not find these tips anywhere else. It skyrocketed my sales on Amazon.
    • PINTERESTING STRATEGIES: – Pinterest is one of the easiest and most effective ways to drive massive traffic to your blog, especially if you are just starting out. I generally get 200,000 to 300,000 pageviews a month from Pinterest. If you want a jump start on how to use this amazing platform, check out Carly’s course. It is simply awesome. She is so down to earth and straightforward, and you’ll see that in her writing. I LOVE this course (it was formerly an ebook, but now it’s new and improved).  Use PINNING5 for $5 off.
    • SEO – As you know, I’m hugely into SEO and it has been the key to my success. I generally get 300,000+ SEO pageviews per month, and this traffic converts much better than Pinterest and other social media channels (especially when it comes to affiliate marketing, products and email sign ups. I estimate that every pageview from organic traffic is worth at least 3x as every pageview from Pinterest! Yes, 3 times as much! And, it’s much steadier, more sustainable and more passive. Check out my 2 SEO books.
    • Affiliate marketing – I love affiliate marketing and have been earning $12,000/month just from affiliate marketing. I highly recommend Carly’s affiliate marketing course. It’s amazing and half the price of some of the bigger bloggers’ programs…and I think it’s much better, too. Use my exclusive coupon code (flooringgirl25) for a 25% discount.
    • Email marketing – Learn from the master, Jennifer Maker. She has over 100,000 subscribers in around 2 years. She’s an incredible teacher. Her ListLove course is amazing. Or get started with her FREE email course here.  (If you use my exclusive affiliate link above, you’ll get 25% off).
    • Sponsored PostsSponsored posts can be a great way to supplement your income, especially during the first few years.  Many just don’t even know where to get started or how much to charge or how to create a media kit or where to find the best sources.  Well learn from a master, Tracie Fobes. She’s been doing this for 10 years!  And, she charges well over $2,500 + per post.  Her course comes complete with a media calculator and templates to set you up for success.  Check out Sponsored Success here.  She has a ponsored post calculator in there as well.
    • Getting started/setting up your blog – If you’re a very beginner and need help in just setting up your site and getting everything set up, check out Tracie Richmond Fobes’ FREE intro course. She goes over all that critical stuff at the beginning that no one seems to cover, but everyone needs to know such as site structure, how to set up google analytics correctly and google search console, which plugins to use (and which to avoid). She is a wealth of information. (and she has may other courses that are soooo good).

What is a Pingback? And, should you accept them?

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